Anyone know if its possible to appeal a comm ban?
For Context I haven't touched my acc for weeks and I suddenly have a 220 hour comp ban. I've also had no previous comm violations.
8 Replies
@aimgptai I recently just got a permanent ban on my account, can't access it or the launcher at all. I have clips of me not cheating though and not using bad language in game either. Clueless as to why I was banned but now all my progression is gone. I
im sure you can get your ban appealed though
Do you know how?
Valorant has alot of players so Emailing Riot would not work
and athough this is a Valorant Official Server I do not believe it is ran by Riot
So the best possible way I can think of is to go to
And then hit Account recovery
Or go down to Can't Find what your looking for? and then submit a ticket there
yea np
If you're trying to argue a ban, the request type you need is "Discuss Personal Suspension or Restriction":