How to win more comp games?
I frag fine and go positive most of the time, but I can't seem to pull out Ws consistently. Im trying to climb out of low elo and hopefully hit plat (currently s2) by the end of 2022. (ignore 12-17 game lmfao that was mb)

8 Replies

There is no way to fix it. Keep playing!
I went down from Immortal 2 to Diamond 2, now I am stuck in Ascendant 1 🥹 but I still have some hope
yeah, valorant will match you with higher mmr players or higher ranks every other game so that you stay addicted to grinding and get hardstuck
its how the keep a ton of their playerbase
good luck m8
im trying to get to gold myself but i cant play all too much
yeaah thank you mate, I really need it ahahah
good luck to you as well then
im silver 1 and i get with g3s
still top frag a lot
I aint gonnal ie im bouta get off
Gl man