I got banned for 100 years just for being afk
I got banned for 100 years just for being afk but there was a power outage in my area can you pls unban it i only afked like 3 times in total
11 Replies
Riot needs to fix this that's unfair and insane bro not deserved that ban
damn even thougt it will be normal then its still be 2 months wth
Thats crazy being afk a few time sna dgetting banned for 100 years. definetly unban him
You don't get perma banned for just afk
You did other things
Yeah, riot does not ban just for being afk Iβve seen so many people afk and at most they get like a 4 week penalty
You can try to submit a ticket, you can ask them what you got banned for other than being afk
Write down your ign & password, youre gonna pass that shit down to your grandkids
That's some very deep words
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