My valorant is stuck on 60 fps.
I've been playing valorant for a while now and before the update it ran consistently with 200+ fps, but after the update it's stuck on 60 fps. It doesn't drop or go more than 60 fps. I removed all the fps limits and turned vsync off in settings and it's still stuck. Any fixes?
15 Replies
My monitor is 165 hz btw
check the fps limit maybe

try updating graphics card
its already updated
i can run other games 200+ but not val for sum reason 

Set all graphics to the lowest
Turn on Nvidia reflex set to ultra+boost
Close all background apps
still stays at 60
What is your gpu and refresh rate?
its a nvidia rtx 3060 and my refresh rate is 165
try to turn off the v-sync on settings
It is off

Go watch yt tutorials
The final solution