kinda scared to ask but
i didnt really like to play comp when i started playing cuz i was iron 1 so i let my friend play bc she wanted a low lvl account to play with her friends, but then she ranked up to gold 2 and now i want to start playing comp but even after the reset im still gold and i dont want to annoy other ppl by making them lose.. is there a way i can de-rank? or am i just gonna be an a$$ for my upcoming matches?

12 Replies
not playing comp for a long time will trigger an rr decay or just bot frag or use a macro to afk in comp and lose games
this is why people are hardstuck gold
did you just said someone to throw games
play unranked games and get good and play
getting from iiron to silver is free anyways
i did and i still do
but im STILL not at the lvl of gold
at most im s1..
bro then nothing is stopping you from playing ranked. You are not gonna get banned just cuz u play bad, but if you purposely throw games you might be. Play ranked games normally and according to your skill you will tilt to your rank.
If yall gold players gonna troll my iron games than taste your own medicine