Help technical and network problems
I keep disconencting and having network problems. My pc is p good and new. Other games run p good as well. it's just valorant, I've tried TCP. i've tried so nany setting combinations. Reinstalling valorant is off the table we all know that doesn't work. I've tried doing the 8,8,8,8 thing in the program cmd prompt. Like I think its just my wifi but im not sure since other multiplayer games run good
16 Replies
I am new to val but maybe Ping? or ur WIFI is just more garbage than mine
bro i have 17ms in game but i have NETWORK PROBLEM and everything is laggy
I have 50 fps and my wifi is terrible so bad ping
me too and also the fact that im running on a potato laptop
but i have a really good pc and internet
i have around 400fps and around 20ms
but the network problem 😠
I dont have network problems but my prob is my ping and fps
fps is obvious like if u have school laptop sry but u cant really enjoy in game
but ping hmm maybe u are too far from router or u are playing on wrong servers
Same thing is happening to me..if I launch the game and don’t immediately switch to play,it crashes with Error VAN 1
ik ik I am running on a potato laptop so that's obvious, but I can still play
I only have problem with fps

how i fix this
fix what?
the version mix match
look at the image bro
also why the new change, I like the old one better lol
I am lookin at it

the version mismatch
wait how is the version mismatch
the person is online but then u need to update it to play val right??
I dont really understand that much anymore
currently just lagging so bad
ruins everything
get shot when I can't be seen,
like get me out