Skill level too far apart for comp??

i was tryna play comp with my friend but it wouldnt let us queue. i am diamond 1 and my friend is plat 2 and it said the skill level is too far apart. is this a glitch or is it a new patch?
8 Replies
bagels3y ago
so since you are Dimond 1 and hes plat 2 there's a whole other rank in-between you guys. he would have to be asedent 1-2 or 3 to play with you. hope this helped
Alkhovik3y ago
there is no other rank @bagels7526 ascendant is above diamond
bagels3y ago
oh whoops sorry i forgot well i dont know the issue
Alkhovik3y ago
@drifted_ are u those ranks right now or did u end in those last act
driftedOP3y ago
we ended those last act
Alkhovik3y ago
thats why. since u are both unranked u go by mmr now. so u are more than 3 ranks apart so u cant q (i think its 3 ranks for plat to diamond) if u get placed the same ranks, u should be able to
driftedOP3y ago
ok ill try that
NKplayz3y ago
Yeah you need to get your ranks first

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