issue with trying to get airq quality us-epa-index data
I am able to get all the data except the air quality, only one i am trying to grab from it is the us-epa-index.
Here is how I did the rest
currDayNight: current.is_day,
currWeather: current.condition.text,
currWeatherIcon: current.condition.icon,
currTempF: current.temp_f,
currTempFeelsLike: current.feelslike_f,
currWindSpeed: current.wind_mph,
currWindGust: current.gust_mph,
currWindDirection: current.wind_dir,
currHumidity: current.humidity,
currVisibility: current.vis_miles,
currAirQuality: - epa - index,
Are the - causing issues when trying to get the data?r
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