My valorant game isn’t working.

I can’t hear anything when I play valorant . I use Beat Solo 3s and they are not working.
1 Reply
piikle3y ago
is it a game issue or a hardware issue? because if its game then either u have your volume on 0% because i havent heard of any issues with game audio, but hardware can mean a couple of things first of all the audio should prolly be not working for all noises or sounds on your computer, which would again point to it not being an issue on valorant's part with the beat solo 3's there could be a multitude of issues, wether the connection isnt working, the battery died, theres an issue/damage to the components within the beats, or anything of the sort if the beats worked before and this is a new issue i would most likely suggest that either they arent charged and you forgot or that there is an issue with the bluetooth or wireless connectivity

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