Failed to connect after 3 tries
Server mods and everyone in charge are saying the servers are fixed but theres still no possible way to connect to the servers.
7 Replies
have you ever considered the possibility that the servers just don't work for you?
stormy-goldOP•3y ago
Have you considered the possibility that the servers are just bad and arent running at their full potential? I play on other servers with double the people that play on RSM and theres no lagging or frame drop but on RSM theres lag and frame drop every 5 seconds
Kind of weird that its something that only happens on RSM, I have a 3090 TI and I have Internet meant for gaming and thats still a problem on only RSM Freeroam
You’re either talking out of your ass or genuinely have no clue what you’re talking about
5950X with a 3090ti with everything maxed out with NVE on top of that will get you a stable 40-60 FPS
Without NVE, guaranteed 120 FPS or more
We can’t control how the game behaves when there’s more than double the max players that GTA Online can support in one area
Read the rules and guidelines before you continue posting here, you’ve now brought up client performance issues in a post about being unable to connect…
stormy-goldOP•3y ago
Im talking about the server not the client...
“Lagging and frame drop” is a client issue
The server itself runs as smooth as can be and handles the load perfectly fine even when there’s 1000 players online
In fact, if I intentionally limit the performance of the server, your FPS won’t even be impacted
stormy-goldOP•3y ago
How would it be client issues when it doesnt happen on any other server?
it's not a server issue, if your frames are dropping then it's because your client can't keep up with what it's trying to process
it's basic computing logic, so you can either continue to push your false narrative that "omg RSM so bad performance terrible server not running at full potential" or you can just admit to it being a client issue possibly even being specific to you as there's no one else complaining about it
if the performance is as bad as you're trying to make it out to be, then we wouldn't be achieving the same player counts that we have had for almost 2-3 years now