Can't update val even though I have enough space on my D drive
I got Val on my Ddrive, and I have to update it, but It keeps saying not enough space, or does it update in c drive, if so, I do not have much space on cdrive

26 Replies
haha, the left or right...
the right
the disk D
maybe try pressing repair in the riot app first
if it doesnt work then clean up the c
idk how to do that lol
press the riot app
uh the riot client thing?
then press valorant
then press the person thing on the top right
this one??

then press setting
and then?
then repair
I dont see it

press valorant
in the left tab thing
ok then?
ok got it
btw my val is in the c folder
so if it doesnt work then try clearing c
oh ok
also is ur thing saved to c or d drive, it should show in the valorant thing where u repair
c drive needs enough space for some saved files
oh ok
also it says ddrive
sorry my wifi went out

i know
it needs storage for the SAVED folder
it worked btw?
my internet went out while doing it so I had to do it again
I have like 3gb on c
ty so much It worked after u suggested to repair it
also ty too