why the fuck i got silver lobby

the fuck is this
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43 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
ur near promoting?
Minatozaki Sana
? what is that
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
promoting to silver, thats why ur up against silvers
Minatozaki Sana
im at bronze 3
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
Minatozaki Sana
with 55 rr but is this normal?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
yeah, if ur climbing ur gonna play against people with same/ a little higher rank than you
Minatozaki Sana
damn ok thx
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
mmr also
Minatozaki Sana
if u have a tutor how to get bronze enemy pls dm
2y ago
b3 gets s1 OMG NO WAY OMG
drop down to bronze 1 lol or even iron 2
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
dont aim for that aim for better opponents if ur gonna climb
Minatozaki Sana
Oooh Okok
thats what the name says no because against sliver 1 is alr rare. Sliver 2 - Gold is normal
Minatozaki Sana
Panda2y ago
Its either you performed well in your previous games, your near your promotion game, or your opponents are down bad (sometimes this happens even in dia+) ^-^
2y ago
b3 gets silvr 1 lobby OMG NO SHOT
Arcadia2y ago
I’m a iron and keep getting silver and gold lobbies
2y ago
if u bot frag and win in those lobbies u still get like 23 lmao
eko2y ago
I get silvers in bronze 2 and 1 lobbies
heh i got Gold 2 in B3 not one person there were 3 people gold on my and enemy team
BigE_Pepe2y ago
its not about ur rr its ur mmr
yea ik but this guy is yea doesnt understand
BigE_Pepe2y ago
ok then leave it
2y ago
u'd prob double rank if that happened u double rank if ur mmr is 4 ranks higher htan ur current rank
well f riot i will never get those because hardstuck bronze :D
2y ago
i feel like u should double rank if ur mmr is 2 ranks higher lmao
guess wat i never play rank Over the past of this episode i played under 15 matches of rank
2y ago
same i dont play much ranked
only unrated my unrated mmr is too high high gold low plat
2y ago
i mean it should be easy for u to climb than thn u should double rank and u should be basically smurfing on your main account when you play comp
well technically thats easy when you do it then that shit hard asf
2y ago
its rlly not u should double rank if you lose you should only lose max 10 rr when you win you could gain 25-35
well my mmr in rank still not stable like unrated need to play a ton of games so it could give me the correct one
2y ago
unrated affects comp mmr a little bit.
a little yes the first day in comp Teammates Iron 3 enemy Full bronze
2y ago
what tms and enemies do you get in comp then
well normal bad gamesense playing on a laptop and last thing is play the most rat thing ever
Darth_Kermit2y ago
at plat 3 I used to keep getting d3s and a1s in my matches, happens to the best of us(quite literally)
Snackboy2y ago
The game thinks you should be silver So you get paired against people with the same skill level as you