Data target from many parents to many childs

I have the following case: I have many parents, which has many childs. Right know the JS targets a parent, and that parent targets a specific child, but I have that for each one of them (so 12 functions), which is not... very well DRY and all of that. I need somebody to help me really, to make it this way: 1) I click on Parent 1 and highlight it, this displays Child 1. 2) If I click again on said Parent, the Child will hide. 3) If I click on "x" inside said Child, it hides, and un-highlight's the Parent. Right now, 3 doesn't happen, and 1 and 2 are just copy-pasted functions, all targeted to one ID specifically. As I'm yet pretty noob with JS, I request help 😭
5 Replies
MyndiOP•3y ago
I made this code-pen example if anyone wants to play around and try to pull it off: It's quite close, minus media queries, decoration, etc.
Wolle•3y ago
In vanilla JS, you can put the id of the child on an data-attribute on the parent and onClick check if that id is in the container, if so remove* it, if not add* it. So you would only need one onclick function, that uses the *) if you "remove" it via display: none, make sure to check for that.
MyndiOP•3y ago
But I still have issues with it 😭 I don't know how to not repeat myself, and I can't find a case-scenario for what I'm trying to do. I have search exhaustively on the internet and haven't find a good sample that I could learn from. Well, I went with a lot of DRY, and jQuery. I have sinned badly, but I couldn't find any other solution.
Unknown User
Unknown User•3y ago
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