My inspect key doesn't inspect when I try to inspect
It doesn't insepct on scroll wheel up (sometimes it does thoguh) but it inspects on Y
why the hell does this happen?
15 Replies
I just launched the game to try to recreate it, but it's working just fine for me tbh. I initially thought that maybe it's conflicting with some other function, but normally the game does show you whether it is conflicting with something else or not
Does scroll up and scroll down work fine if you bind them to switch weapons like they are usually by default?
it works fine on my alt which has the same binds
Try turning off that [BETA] RawInputBuffer setting that is in the general tab
See if that helps
it is off
Hmm... That's really odd
idk why
it happened when i switched my binds another time
but that works now
I would suggest resetting your keybinds to default and then try setting it to mouse wheel up again, but I feel like that would be a hassle honestly
But I mean... That's up to you if you wanna give it a shot, and if you REALLY need to have it on mouse wheel up
its honestly fine but very annoying
It is annoying, I totally get you
But hey! Maybe someone will come around, someone who already had this issue before and got it solved
Just keep an eye on your post
this might be stupid but is it bc the keybind isnt set for omen's profile?
the vid u showed was on default
its for every agent
ill see though
ohh bc inspect might diff for omen's since u were on him
no problem<3