what should i do

i have a kayo playing in rank and he is playing very noobly like it is his first time playing looking at the floor aiming at close range and more should i report him/her for trolling?
6 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
thats not trolling maybe just a bad day for the kayo
Nerd3y ago
play off him. ik it sounds bad but if they're not able to get kills then use him for info. watch your map so you can see what he sees
well if he was looking at the floor and then decides to perform a 118572857 spins at the velocity of 299 792 458m/s then decides to ace then you know that is not a bad day anyways, back to the thing, well if thats a comp, and ur rank is kinda high ( above gold 2 ) then yes. BUT if thats below sliver then dont actually.
3y ago
he litearlly said playing in ranked
i didn read it carefully sorry welp done
3y ago
hes bronz i just chekce dhis roles kayo probaly not trolling

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