how do you aim well, be consistent atleast
I have good aim. Pretty good aim, but it's never consistent within actual games.
25 Replies
Practice in the range or dm, and in game, try to always take 1v1 duels that are unfair in your advantage.
But keep in mind that who you take duels against changes every game. So the inconsistency could be down to the enemy movement, or positioning.
how do you take duels that are in my advantage
Well, the opposite is wide swing a lane ur team doesn't control. If you do this, you'll need to clear many positions at the exact same time, and you could be taking a duel with multiple enemies all holding ur position. You lose these as they're in the enemies advantage.
A better way is to always clear individual positions when you swing, to swing more narrow so you can only fight a 1v1 if you see someone, to swing as far as you can from corners as possible, so you see enemies before they see you, and to use utility to clear positions you're peeking. If you use util to clear angles, you just avoid the duel or have something you can swing off of.
ah that
how to stop panicking and get the head shot?
Try to practice always holding head height. Also practice compensating for the muzzle climb for a short burst. Then you'll be spending most of ur time just bursting if someone walks into ur crosshair.
how should i fight against flashes?
peek off contact?
You gotta get good at dodging flashes.
Also, keep track of the enemy comp, and of other info to tell you where the flashers could be. If you feel you're scaling up against a flasher, you could ask a teammate to scale up with you, and one of you can deliberately scale looking away.
If you're defending, another option is to listen for flashes, and hold around cover. If you hear a flash deploying and can't turn it, you can at least get bahind the cover. If you're in the middle of the open ur ded.
when should i right click/aim and shoot?
you should only ads if you're posted on an angle before the enemy, or if you're holding a sniper.
there're a lot of disadvantages to being ads that will hurt if you if you reactively ads with, say, a phantom or a vandal.
i have issue
i keep entry
then dying
why do you die?
flashed then recked
or missing my enemy by 1 centimeter
generally losing my aim duels
not knowing when to wide peak or smal peak
If your initiators also flash, it can be a good counter. At least you won't insta die. Also, if you have controllers, it's less likely their flashes will help their entire team. They'll probably only help the person who's flashing.
tl;dr - If you don't have something to counter a flash, ur teammates might. Ask for what you need.
how do i stop losing aimduels/peaking/missing slightly
knowing when to shoot
or something like that
timing too
best you can do is practice. if you give urself all the other advantages and just mis-aim, you gotta practice aiming in the range/dm/or even an aim trainer.
i am never using an aim trianer
tried once
got super bored
i suggest to work on your raw aim you use guardian for a few games. that way you can't spray. i would also suggest buying a frenzy so that you can spray in close range if needed so you aren't completely screwed
is psike rush good for learning the game
learning game sense, yes. it's basically a fast paced unrated
most of the modes in VALORANT can help you learning the game
here's the basic layout for what gamemode helps with what: unrated: teamwork; spike rush: util placement; replication: agents; escalation: gun usage; deathmatch: positioning and gunplay
I would prefer replication for this because you get use to any gun you would like and having random agents ( base of the players pick ) is also a good way to experience new agents thats having a chance it could be your favorite agent. ( this is my opinion so you can figure out other ways if you want )
how do you entry into a viper ult
Do everything you can not to. Do everything you can to zone parts of the ult. And if you don't have an info advantage, spray it down before entrying. If you must go in, you gotta dip in and out of it or u'll be taking duels with 1hp.
what do i do when i have no info
on enemy location
i dont get to play on replication
always enemy is sage
sage sage
wall everywhere