Valorant Error
My main NA account always seems to get constant crashing (3 or more times in a row) and it says Val Error 1 every single time and I genuinely don't know what to do but it's the thing that got me banned for a year before I appealed and I'm afraid it's gonna get me banned again but I spent so much on that account and I don't know whats wrong w it, thanks for any help
13 Replies
Did it show this

It loads onto the main screen, and then turns black with a message in a box saying something and then val error code 1 and all i can do is quit my game
how to fix this

Wath a video
Should speed up
Reisntall it
I actually fucked my laptop
By accident
I was disableing

Tpm 2.0?
i just installed valorant and it's installing 0% bro
fucking hell
What should i do if valorant crashes and a message pops up that’s saying: Please enable secure boot
Is it safe to change it
Okay, also do i need to change anything else in order for the secure boot work?