Hey, just wanted to know whether the valorant tracker will be fixed for correct roles on servers.
Jus wonderin
1 Reply
If you need help with roles, you should send a message to modmail. They were able to help me out
Other than that, I'm sure they're working on it (:
u help me w 1 more thing rq
ive already made a ticket but until then i jus wanted to ask
what's up?
so basically my email has 2 linked acc my main n my eu acc
yesterday i was able to connect to both just fine
but today it shows only 1 linked to my email
n ive basically jus lost my account
and im sure its not hacked
because i have 2fa
Have you tried logging into that account on the riot website with the username and password instead of the email?
Yes, and it says invalid creds
i tried to reset it n it said it went to my email
but i checked n it said the only acc linked was my eu acc
so i didnt get the email to reset my email for my main
Interesting--you should contact support about that as well
ight thanks