Checking if input[type=search] will show the X to clear input

One of the handy things about <input type="search"> is when the browser shows the X that will clear the input. But it varies between browsers. Chrome and Safari show it but Firefox doesn't. Haven't checked on mobiles but it would most likely depend on client. I have a <input type="reset"> field and don't want to have both showing at once. Is there a way of only showing the reset if the browser won't show the clear search field natively? Any other considerations for me?
2 Replies
Coder_Carl3y ago this basically covers hiding the pseudo element and if you really wanted to have the native X sometimes, you will probably just have to do a @supports lower down that either hides / unhides the respective clears. Lea Verou has a great talk about future CSS stuff using container queries and custom properties that you could use to toggle something easily with. Unsure if it is all supported yet -
SirAlanOP3y ago
I use Lea's method for custom properties fairly often (very useful and wouldn't have thought of it before seeing that webinar :-)). I couldn't seem to find the pseudo property ::-webkit-search-cancel-button - thanks for that. I think in this case, better for me to hide it. Normally, leaving the cancel button in the browser is good from my point of view but I don't want both on the input. Thanks again

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