' m

comp ban

i’ve been banned from comp for 13 hrs yet i’ve never even touched comp in my life, i can play everything else?? i’m so confused
7 Replies
eggman2y ago
hmm you are probably comms banned
' m
' m2y ago
oh wtf 😭 okay
eggman2y ago
what did you do lmao
' m
' m2y ago
i never usually use comm bc i’d get flamed for being a girl LMAO i have no idea
eggman2y ago
hmm the comms ban system is kinda scuffed tbh you could be banned because enough people reported you without actualy having done something bad
' m
' m2y ago
yeahh 🤷‍♀️ oh well i’ll just wait the 13 hrs to play my first comp game tyy
James2y ago
You will need to reach out to Riot Games support directly https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new only they can assist with these types of matters.