Cursor bug issue, any fixes that work in 2022?
So, good thing I didnt play a match and found this issue in the practice map. So, I tab out and tab in, my cursor's on the screen, I can still walk, but I can't look. I can't fire my weapon, I can't click on anything on the menu, nothing. I looked up guides for it, but not only are they in 2021, but none of them work. Any fixes to this? Google and YouTube have not been helpful. But yeah, really need help on this.
1 Reply
What do you mean? If I use a wireless mouse or use two of them? I only have one, and its an endgame xm1r. Its wired.
Never. I dont even know how this relates to it. It happens when I tab out and tab back in, and what happens is I have the arrow cursor come out in the game, I can move it no problem, but no matter what I do, what happens is that I click in the game and nothing happens.
I can't click the menu, can't click shit, but the desktop arrow cursor is moving in game.
Like, it just happens when I tab in and out.
Its only been a problem today, and I dont know how and why its a problem now after so long I've been playing.
I just want a fix... I just wanna play.
I can't play like this.
What? You mean just close and open the game over and over again when I get the bug?
That is more trouble than a solution.
you mean app for the mouse?
because yes, i did turn it and off, uninstalled, played, same thing, reinstalled, played, same thing
it doesn't do jack shit
app for what?
the game?
if its the game, then thats not even a good solution
it just gives another problem
i... fixed it by reinstalling windows...