is this bannable?
I’ve been wanting to try using “true stretched resolution” since I came from counter strike games but I’ve seen multiple videos saying It isn’t bannable and some says It is and would like to hear others opinions on it
12 Replies
valorant is locked to 16:9 res so technically it should be bannable
It is bannable
in my opinion i don’t think it is bannable as it does not modify game files and it only takes away display borders and zooms in your game
If anything it has less fov so it’s more of a disadvantage
If is interacting with vanguard you will prob get banned
we’ll see
You can use it on your won risk
But I would not recomand it
For few reasons
my friend has been using it for almost a year now and hasn’t gotten banned or suspended
1: you can get banned
2: when you stretch the game to a true stretch your fov will be lower down and you cannot adjust it like in cs : go and is weird and hard to aim with a bigger fov
you arent able to adjust fov in cs though?
That’s what im saying
In cs go you can change the fov up to 69 but in valorant you don t have that option