Cant join because of modified files.

Yesterday everything was fine but cant seem to join with my current graphics stuff and i didnt change anything either, the weirdest thing about this all is that my friends who use the exact same as me didnt got this message any ideas?
5 Replies
gradual-turquoiseOP3y ago
I tried taking the mods out but fivem still keeps saying there are modified files
يونجي3y ago
#Pure Mode - a.k.a 'The server you are joining does not allow modified game files.' you can simply click yes and it will load you in basically you didnt needa remove anything
gradual-turquoiseOP3y ago
I get that but even without any files and fresh fivem install i keep getting this same message
يونجي3y ago
but read that post for more details
gradual-turquoiseOP3y ago
meanwhile my friend have the exact same stuff as me but not getting this message thereby the only modded stuff i use is graphics

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