fps cap at 60fps but i have a 144hz monitor and have been able to play the game at that fps
got a new sec monitor thats at 60hz and my game on ym main 144hz monitor is capped as well at 60
23 Replies
Do you have vsync off?
i also check if it was a app or soemthing and i haev nothing running
Do you have an NVIDIA GPU?
3070 ti
Have you checked if vsync is enabled by default on NVIDIA Control Panel?
ill check
i also have a new gpu that might be the cause
got it
it was nvida game settings
Alright haha
Have fun in your matches!
ive never had two mintors
but every time i alt tab out my game bugs out as well
its weird
Try playing on windowed borderless if you're not already
Maybe that'll help
instead of fullscreen ofc
yeah i am but my task bar shows up in game
its strange
Try it the other way around then. See if fullscreen fixes that issue for you
If not, disable fullscreen optimizations on the game's exe
i have as well and my game takes a good sec and also meses with my mouse in game
like lets say i alt tab out to msg some on the sec monitor then i alt tab back in my mouse and when i click takes me back to the second monitor
You sure that you have the correct monitor set as the primary one on windows?
i also haev done that as my 144hz is my main and the 60hz is my secondary
also whats a good aim sensitivity to play on ?
on a 1920x1080 screen?
Hmm... I personally don't use 2 monitors, so it's kinda difficult to imagine the exact problem you're having
That's just personal preference to be honest
hmm kk
Depends on what DPI you like using, how do you usually aim, do you use your wrist only or you whole arm, etc...
I use 800 DPI and 0.49 sens
All I can suggest is that you hit the practice range and try to find the sens that makes you land your shots perfectly so that you don't over-aim or under-aim
thx for the help
ill try .49
If you feel like you flick and but you just can't get to the target's head, increase it a bit, if you end up flicking but the crosshair goes past the head, decrease it
Keep that until you find the one that suits you
And good luck
thx and all right <a:CB_clubpenguindance:876099507622924328>
Bruh... U did not just remind me of Club Penguin lmao