Is there a way to expidite a support ticket?
This morning I woke up to being banned on Valorant for "third party software use" and I submitted a support ticket. I would really like to know, because I have spent way to much money on this game to be banned for something I didn't do.
11 Replies
Omg this has happened to a lot of people this week lmao
Happened to me aswell
Contact riot support
I cant link you it because it deletes my message
I think people are getting hacked thats why
Your settings are probably gonna be all messed up when you log back on
And your rank may have changed
i got perma banned
one day when i logged on my controls were on default
Well when did you submit the ticket
this morning
like 5 minutes after i found out i got banned
It took like 30 hours for them to unban me so if you have nothing to do u can make an alt and play on it in the meantime
As long as your not hardware or ip banned
im not hardware banned
literally on an alt rn lmao