lag spikes occuring
i just downloaded valorant on my new pc, i have updated all my drivers and windows updates, i solidly run 100-120 fps but i get lag spikes randomly, specs are: AMD Ryzen 5 3400G with Radeon Vega Graphics 3.70 GHz 16gb ram Nvidia Geforce gtx1070
25 Replies
do u have your graphics in ultra ?
all low
so idk
this my setting

lag spikes are prolly cus of ping
Turn multithreaded rendering on
ok ill try
didnt help, rip
these were my fps and ping during a lag spike

Hows 102 fps a lag spike?
And 11 ms
it just freezes completely
it does show 5000 server tick rate tho
does my monitor hz rate have something to do with the limit of my fps?
Do you have vsync on
one second let me launch valo again
it is off
Then it shouldnt affect your fps
Hz= the max frames your monitor can display
i have a 60hz monitor
yet my framerates go higher but it results in lag spikes
Close all background apps
i did
i tried everything possible
Cap your fps?
Play on fullscreen
i am
it still reaches the fps cap and starts bugging for any fps over 80
Idk then
Try cap it at like 70
Also if off topic but if you want i can help you overclock your monitors refresh rate
Mine is also 60hz i managed to get 74
thats good fps
do you have amd software or nvidia control panel?
nvidia cpanel yes
Ooh idk that
Try this
Check dm