banned for using buff
I got error codes on val when i launched buff, as soon as i close it and restart my game everything is fine again, i tried this a few times and everything seemed fine. Now a week later i log back on and im permanently banned for using third party softwares??
I submitted a support ticket to riot and im waiting on response, is it safe for me to play on a new account in the meantime?
21 Replies
been using buff for months, you are most certainly not banned for using it. Yes you should be able to play on a new account. However, there's a high change you have another program that's not allowed like Raw Accel or something else.
I dont have any programs open other than buff
And as soon as i close buff everything works fine again
buff is trash
I doubt it is cause of Buff because it has thousands of people using the software without getting banned.
I suggest contacting Riot Support and asking for a reason.
It seems like it tho
Idk what else it could be?
Message Riot Support I guess?
Could it be my amd radeon settings?
Ive modified the colours on my monitor
That is done on your monitor, it is not messing with riot files right?
Just message support and hope for the best, since I've also used Buff in the past and also use nvidia filters to change colours on my monitor.
With you mentioning riot files, do you think modifying the graphics files to go lower affects anything?
Ill show you what i mean ina sec
anything that messes with the riot files on ur C/D drive will get u banned, it triggers vanguard
and any 3rd party program that gives an Unfair/competetive advantage is also bannable
i only touched these

changed the 3's to 0
and the res quality to 30
im on a low end laptop
thats why im changing these
i didnt think this would get me banned since ive seen others do it
bro you're changing game files
riot doesnt like that
in this case its clear why you got banned, better luck next time
I got unbanned lmao it wasnt even that reason
There was a hacker on my account
whats buff
Basically tracks your game activity and gives you points which you can redeem as giftcards