
is it true that riot can give u a few valo points?

im planning to get both reaver phantom & ghost, the total is 3550. but im only getting the 3230+380 pack. i have 316 vp rn, so it would be 3546. i just need 4 more valo points. i saw some people getting free vp by submitting artworks. is it true???
5 Replies
Metal3y ago
yeah it's true iirc they can give like 50 VP max
RedLeopard123y ago
I’m pretty sure if you submit an original artwork or fanart that isn’t like thrown together in 30 sec you can get less than 100vp or something if you post proof that you are actually 4 off
eval3y ago
I asked them for 50vp first, they asked for a fanart, i submitted it and got it yeah
less than 28€
... what if I am both poor and unable to draw?
good question you cad do some fanart for max 50VP

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