rtmps works fine with OBS but trying the

rtmps works fine with OBS, but trying the srt url errors out.
12:47:21.493: [obs-ffmpeg mpegts muxer: 'adv_stream'] info: Output format name and long_name: mpegts, MPEG-TS (MPEG-2 Transport Stream)
12:47:21.493: [obs-ffmpeg mpegts muxer / libsrt] : libsrt v.1.5.0 loaded.
12:47:21.552: [obs-ffmpeg mpegts muxer / libsrt] : Connection to srt://live.cloudflare.com:778?passphrase=<redacted>&streamId=<redacted> failed: I/O error
12:47:21.554: Couldn't open 'srt://live.cloudflare.com:778?passphrase=<redacted>&streamId=<redacted>', I/O error
12:47:21.554: [obs-ffmpeg mpegts muxer: 'adv_stream'] failed to open the url
12:47:21.554: Output 'adv_stream': Reconnecting in 2.00 seconds..
12:47:21.493: [obs-ffmpeg mpegts muxer: 'adv_stream'] info: Output format name and long_name: mpegts, MPEG-TS (MPEG-2 Transport Stream)
12:47:21.493: [obs-ffmpeg mpegts muxer / libsrt] : libsrt v.1.5.0 loaded.
12:47:21.552: [obs-ffmpeg mpegts muxer / libsrt] : Connection to srt://live.cloudflare.com:778?passphrase=<redacted>&streamId=<redacted> failed: I/O error
12:47:21.554: Couldn't open 'srt://live.cloudflare.com:778?passphrase=<redacted>&streamId=<redacted>', I/O error
12:47:21.554: [obs-ffmpeg mpegts muxer: 'adv_stream'] failed to open the url
12:47:21.554: Output 'adv_stream': Reconnecting in 2.00 seconds..
2 Replies
Brendan Irvine-Broque
@victorcyber — thanks for posting this — looks like the query param in the URL is camelCase streamId, rather than streamid — I just tested and think this may resolve things for you. On our end, we're going to fix this to support either streamId and streamid. Let me know if that helps.
VictorOP3y ago
Yes it works with lowercase now

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