is there any possibility to get an unban from competitive besides to open a ticket because if I open

18 Replies
i really want to play
and if i open the ticket idk if im gonna get unban
honestly people are just gonna tell u to wait the week, can do nothing really about it
@Banny make an alt for the week i guess
Thats all you can do
i alr have one
bronze3 😦
And ur main?
Have fun slaying bronze asses
Make em ragequit
Only thing you can do is log a ticket with Riot Games support or wait for the restriction to time out. *Please note moderators here do not work for Riot Games please avoid pinging for support *
this happened to me too in my main with 300 hours i have a new account now and i reached level 20 but i have a 50 hours ban
is it normal?
No worries
can someone please help me
my packet loss goes upto 50% and idk why
wait your time man