
need to learn patience

Hey, what's up y'all. This is gonna be more gameplay related but how do u guys practice concentration/focus and patience. Im a fighting game and call of duty player, but my best friends are valorant players so I'd like to be able to adapt to the pace change of the genres. Any help is appreciated ❤️
3 Replies
daddy03y ago
cod and val are very different games. in valorant everything’s slower there’s more holding angles and strafing while shooting. just hop into a death match to learn certain maps and practice in unrated
qoi3y ago
have fun. don't tilt and u'll focus easily
me3y ago
I think it helps to understand the concept of defaulting. There are a bunch of videos on it. When you understand why defaulting and map control makes sense, you'll naturally become more patient, because you'll understand the benefits. tl;dr: If you play extremely aggressively without knowing the game state, and that aggression is shut down, it becomes way harder to even reset. Taking a second stab at the round will require you to spend a tonne of time learning where it's safe to be.

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