why do I get such low RR
I’m match mvping almost every game and i entry as Phoenix every time and do my role why do I get such low real especially because even as a silver 3 player I would get paired against plat 1-3 while having lower ranks on my team it makes no sense

47 Replies
same man
valorants quirky like that
Game thinks your smurfing
that would make you gain more
what r u saying
Let me show you guys what people I get matched against

Like wtf is this
I’m freaking gold 1 why is there a trash plat 3 on my team against 3 plat 1s
If it does why do I get such low RR then
I can’t even rank up
The game feels you're in too high of a rank for your skill level.
Is that why I’m against plats?
And I match mvp almost every game?
And almost never go against people my rank always above?
You get the regular amount
You gotta get it out of your head that rank is skill. Those plats are around your skill level, but just happened to have gotten enough RR to reach plat. They may be falling down the ranks.
There's a method to all of this. If you want the long story, lemme know.
That top frag plat has a 1.5KD lifetime
1.6 on reyna
Can’t be boosted lmao
Wait so if I’m a rank that’s too high for me why do I outfrag everyone almost every time and go against higher ranks? Wouldn’t I be going against ranks lower than me?
KD isn't directly related to skill according to the game (or even according to common sense).
Skill's measured (in part) by how you contribute to every duel you're involved in. If you win a lot of duels against higher skilled players (important) the game will raise your skill rating. Another part of skill is down to how insane your teams' match wins are. If you win matches by a lot, another part of ur skill rating will go up as well. Matchmaking uses this skill rating to decide which lobbies would be fair for you. But this is all unrelated to your visible rank. That just goes up for wins and down for losses and isn't really level with ur skill level. Riot has ranges of skill rating that they want in each rank, but they don't just increase ur rank if you exceed a certain skill level.
This wouldn't really work out and would be very frustrating to players. Instead, if your skill levels out of range for your rank, you'll gain/lose more or less RR than normal until things are in range.
Skill's measured (in part) by how you contribute to every duel you're involved in. If you win a lot of duels against higher skilled players (important) the game will raise your skill rating. Another part of skill is down to how insane your teams' match wins are. If you win matches by a lot, another part of ur skill rating will go up as well. Matchmaking uses this skill rating to decide which lobbies would be fair for you. But this is all unrelated to your visible rank. That just goes up for wins and down for losses and isn't really level with ur skill level. Riot has ranges of skill rating that they want in each rank, but they don't just increase ur rank if you exceed a certain skill level.
This wouldn't really work out and would be very frustrating to players. Instead, if your skill levels out of range for your rank, you'll gain/lose more or less RR than normal until things are in range.
Ok thanks
Idk what I’m supposed to do when my team is trash tho
And they almost never have comms
And last game my chamber was throwing
As for ur situation, you're probably not gaining RR because ur skill level is lower than what riot feels is Gold 1.
And skill level isn't going up because you're farming lower skilled players.
I added that reyna that was plat that was the only one who outfragged me
Was a ascendant Smurf
And had 1.5KD does that mean he just sucks too
At this point I’m just going to make a new account see if it’s the same
At lower ranks, the part of your hidden skill rating for encounters is favored more because of exactly what you're noticing. Because team play isn't as great, riot looks at how you take duels (and who they're against) more.
So you gotta contribute to encounters against higher skilled players and win more of them.
For a controller this could mean blocking higher skilled players with smokes, and this leading to them getting killed. For a Sentinel, this could mean debuffing an appointment who ends up dying.
To all agent types, this means getting kills and assists.
To all agent types, this means getting kills and assists.
I only play Phoenix
It will be the same or lower. On a new account, Riot will give you a lower rank than ur skill level just in case it's wrong. It's better to be wrong and you rank up, then to be wrong and you immediately backslide.
So you'll probably place Silver 1 or 2.
Then yah. Ur skill rating will be affected by how many kills and assists you get against higher skilled players and also by deaths you get from lower skilled players.
And assists mean more than straight damage assists. You also get assists from debuffing enemies who are killed soon after. So flashing someone, getting killed and getting traded may be less bad than just losing more HP then the enemy does in a duel, which may be less bad than straight missing all ur shots and dying.
Okay I’ll try we’ll see what I place
Remember that you need lvl 20 before you can even play ranked.
Ye ik
Idc at this point
Yah. I get it that the rank system is actually confusing. But trust. If rank == skill and lobbies were all the same rank, it would be hella frustrating. e.g. You'd be plat one day then instantly bronze if you had a really bad few matches, then gold after a good few marches, then after taking a long break, ud be iron.
The way things work now smooths this all out, while still allowing smurfs (who are actually dominating) to instantly get moved away from lower skilled players.

Gonna hit plat later
ur too good man idk the games weird
you are balling bro
In my experience, I gain more rr the by the more rounds I win by and most of your games are close matches which could be the reason why you’re not gaining your desired amount of rr, and the best way to play at least for me, is 5 stacking, that way you don’t have to deal with throwers or bad players etc.
Ight I hit plat

I’m whooping diamond 3s
I told you I wasn’t meant to be in gold
I knew it
All that long ass description of why I deserve gold when I whoop everyone
AND ranked up plat solo queue
Match mvping and maintaining a 1.6 KD
Proved the haters wrong Ong
All my friends r immortal or quit val lol I wish I could
Nice. You must have come a long way on ur main.
Ye I didn’t wanna make a new acc and try getting placed it was too much work
Diamond up next
Oh, then you climbed on ur main account. Perfect. Somehow I thought you made a new one and placed Plat. If you just ranked up, things are working as they should.
A few acts ago, Riot even double and triple ranked people up to move them. But that was admittedly to fill an entire three divisions. Sucks that you had to actually put in the work tho.
Fr I spent hours grinding
Didn’t get any better I don’t think I just was already better than these guys
this is exactly how u get out of low elo. instead of just playing fill and trying to get a good team just find a main and get yourself out of there. dont trust ur duelists to do anything so just take over and do it yourself. well done
cuz ur bad lmao
dont ban

Like wtf is this ranking system 🤣🤣
We lost 11-13
I mean 11-13 proves the matchmaking system is great.
Rank is just a trophy for; something.
What does this prove

Proves I’m the best

Almost diamond 2 now
Ascendant is next