Anyone having stupidly long load times after new patch?
I swear just a couple patches ago they decreased boot times now it's stupidly long after this one
17 Replies
Yeah experiencing it and some people also said they are experiencing it
Hope they add a hotfix
Same here
Btw what are you guys specs
It's a little bit longer for me but not incredibly long. Just a few seconds more on my end I'd say. I've been hearing this as a common issue, not sure the fix.
i5-10400f 3060ti
after 2 hours it never loaded
exact same specs
taking so long to load
game is so shit
i stopped after 2 hours

it takes me like a min
new account this is happening now
used to take me like 10 secs
doesnt load for me
at all
first ow is being shit bc its launch day and now this
yeah this game
fortnite is betta
OW was having issues cause of a DDOS
Have you tried restarting your PC? if that doesn't work maybe consider contacting support
ill try that