why did i get a plat 3 in my camp match

bro what
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13 Replies
a plat 3
nyko3y ago
Are you 5 stacking? @reset123_
nyko3y ago
that is why as a five stack you can q with any rank.
bro waht thats so dumb
Alkhovik3y ago
you can q with any rank at any point as long as their mmr is the same as urs (doesnt have to be 5 stack) u 5 stacked so u place against other 5 stacks. their avg mmr = urs
nyko3y ago
bruh oh yeah just place a plat in silver and bronze lobby's thats fair 😭
nyko3y ago
the average MMR of the other team was the same as yours so with that said you played them
</iReflect>3y ago
If you have a high MMR you play against them That's how it works And sometimes you can skip 2-3 levels Like from silver 2 to gold 1 I'm silver 2 and I'm playing against plat players And I have to struggle to win And somehow I'm still silver 2 ☠️
I bet the plat player was getting boosted. if your plat you can play with bronzes if you have a 5 stack.
I found him lfg val and he was looking for golds and silvers. he did have a 25% rr reduction if he won.

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