Filling remaining space
Any idea on how to fill the remaining space from the left div to occupy the same as the right? They're both under the same parent, with a
.50 Replies
This is the semantic god forbid my sins for some inline styles.
Use Grid >.>;; It would apply the same height to both
I remember there was a way to stretch it with flex, but I can't remember.
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This won't help me, as the
are on top of the box, and not inside of it 😔
The documentation is so extended, I'm looking into it. I have never tried anything with it. Do you have an idea of what I can do?
I was trying this:
But it's clearly not helping.
Actually nevermind, I will figure it out some other day.use place-content: center; on grid parent. (or align-content)
place-self and items will shrink the child to max content of itself
The exact same problem arises 😓
Look at my pen again
I used your pen.
Not sure why you are setting align but heh
This is what I did.
you added grandchildren* xD
That's how I have it structured above. It's a header and some paragraphs, inside a div.
you can't change the structure?
color the first child the color you want
and don't color the grandchild?
The child can't have any background, the only one with background is the grandchild.
updated for you
flex options (sorry b1)
I'm trying to get people into grid you need to stap it 😂
actually. im so comfortable with grid, that sometimes I have to practice flex
but you are right, as always
Thank to both of you.
I'm still not familiar with grid. What would be a good way to make them responsive in certain viewports?
Just a @media? Based on what could it be?
Or rather, what would it need to target.
b1's grid option you can use
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(10rem, 1fr))
instead of grid-auto-flow
then it will break by itself when column get's smaller than 10rem
or you use a media query to change the grid-auto-flow: column to row (or just remove = the same)
same with the my flex option, it will already go below eachother when there is no space, but if you want to control a certain breakpoint, you can do it with a media query to add flex-direction: column to the .containerWith flex I'm more familiar, in this case I wanted to check grid, since I knew nothing about it.
I tried your alternative, but this occurs.
minmax (20rem)
is causing it, but I'm not sure what that implies.minmax(20rem) will just make it 20rem. you don't need that
How can I make it so it behaves like the above divs?
Shown in this example.
there must be a media query changing the flex-direction
Yeah, in the below I'm using grid.
The above, I'm using flex and queries.
As I know how to use flex already, was trying to learn the hang of grid.
ah okay, sorry, you are using grid now. (misunderstood)
yea, you'll need a media query for that to, to change grid-auto-flow: column to grid-auto-flow: row
(so not the grid-template-columns as i've suggested before)
you can use the same media query
Hmm, I think it does nothing.
This actually touches on when I would use flex or grid. I really love flex wrap for if I need the child content to determine the change.
same same
if grid-template-columns repeat minmax could only have a suggestive minwidth
I set it up like this:
Unless I'm legit tired and I can't see the error.
remove the template, its a hard value that will take over auto-flow
Actually, it was max-width before.
Hmm, so if I have template, I can't change it, right?
you can just do 1fr vs changing auto-flow
one or the other yes
Actually, this doesn't look half bad.
I like it more than split in even sizes.
little explanation
1. grid-auto-flow, just determines the direction the childs are put. Width of childs will be adjusted to content
2. grid-template-columns sets the specific amount of columns with a specific witdth
if you want to change in a media query for smaller devices
1. from
grid-auto-flow: column
to grid-auto-flow: row
2. from grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr
to grid-template-columns: 1fr
think this helps making a choice. you can play around with it to see what you like the mostI assume, with the second you meant columns to row, right?
But yeah, I learnt something new definitely, even with flex. Never used the
flex: 1
I just need to get the hang of grid. Thank to you both!
It's greatly appreciated.Yea def glad you are looking at grid options. Both is always the right answer. Having more tools just lets you do more.
is short hand btw so what you are actually seeing is flex-grow
really powerful to learn grow, shrink and basis (though i use min-widths normally)that's where i struggle just because i don't use it enough.
honestly that is where I think grids just easier lol, but having the children control the wrap point is really handy
Where is your .container and .row? If you need Bootstrap to manage your layout, please follow the HTML structure.
I tried before. It didn't work. Why are you assuming things.