Rockstar Editor crash

My game crashes when I try to launch a clip in rockstar editor, I tried everything that is said in YouTube to solve the problem, but it does not help, I searched for other servers to try to launch - nothing helps. Do you know?
3 Replies
eager-peach2y ago
[Window Title] Error GTA5_b2545.exe!sub_1412CF9A8 (0x3e) [Main Instruction] Recursive error: An exception occurred (c0000005 at 0x7ff63a00f9e6) during loading of resources:/ex_vehicles/meta/Nissan 380SX/vehicleweapons.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponInfoDataFileMounter. The game will be terminated. [Content] Original error: RAGE error: ERR_MEM_EMBEDDEDALLOC_FREE_2 A game error (at 00000001412cf9eb) caused the game to stop working. Game memory error. Please reboot and restart the game. [^] Скрыть подробности [Save information] [Закрыть] [Expanded Information] Report ID: si-98cace9e9ae04c9cab3b2fcc258da0bc You can press Ctrl-C to copy this message and paste it elsewhere.
Tomarski2y ago
R* editor is unstable/unsupported by the current FiveM build, I don't think there's any workarounds for it atm
يونجي2y ago
read #Why does my Rockstar Editor crash when I try to edit? for more info