seems to be segfaulting with `segfault at 7f33308a6435 ip 00007f33308a6435 sp 00007f3290fbeba0 error

seems to be segfaulting with segfault at 7f33308a6435 ip 00007f33308a6435 sp 00007f3290fbeba0 error 14
6 Replies
Lyris the Kitori
Lyris the KitoriOP3y ago
im going to disable XMP on my ram brb
Kai3y ago
Heading to bed now, I've started working on some windowing stuff and while literally nothing works and I fully expect to bin this code, this has helped a lot to make me understand the window proposal better. I'm quite mad and also a bit stumped about how we sort of waved through the windowing proposal, cause I have quite a few concerns after taking it for an initial spin. I'll finish up and publish all my findings tomorrow, if one day is enough (gotta run errands to unfortunately). I specifically looked at what implementing this on top of X11 would mean, and a tiny glance at how Wayland works. Any other backend options that seem reasonable and are awkward to handle? (thinking about mobile for example, should I look at that also, or is knowing iOS requires control over the loop enough?)
Perksey3y ago
yeah iOS having control is probably enough yeah you can use GLFM to get a sense of the requirements there but that’s quite a crude abstraction also Cocoa has some very weird stuff in it, iirc that has a bunch of main thread initialisation stuff that needs to be done
Lyris the Kitori
Lyris the KitoriOP3y ago
oh my god i just went down the most confusing rabbit hole ever with the imguicontroller in silk
Lyris the Kitori
Lyris the KitoriOP3y ago
i saw this comment
No description
Lyris the Kitori
Lyris the KitoriOP3y ago
recognized it immediately from the veldrid one went 'oh fuck did i accidentally put that comment there when copying code over from my reworked veldrid one' checked the silk repo and it was also there then panicked like 'oh shit did that slip through one of my old prs' checked the history dug through and found the oldest copy in the repo and theres just Veldrid specific comments in the first iteration of silk imgui :^) traces all the way back to the OpenTK sample which then traces back to the Veldrid one what a mess also we dont credit either the OpenTK sample or the Veldrid sample anymore for some reason

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