Extra ACME TXT records preventing renewa...

I see cloudflare has some issues with phantom txt records for acme-challenges in peoples DNS zone. It is causing issues for us when we try to generate a letsencrypt certificate. https://community.cloudflare.com/t/extra-acme-txt-records-preventing-renewal/412449/22 Is there anybody who have any knowledge about if/how Cloudflare plan to deal with this? Is it a onetime error, so I should just go through all my domains and then create a ticket stating which of the domains has phantom txt records that should be removed? Or is it a problem that is still resulting in more and more of these txt records being left in our zones? Thanks in advance.
Cloudflare Community
Extra ACME TXT records preventing renewal
@olly1 @BowlRoll Kindly, I’d suggest you to write a ticket to Cloudflare support due to your account and/or domain issue and share the ticket number here with us so we could escalate this issue: Login to Cloudflare and then contact Cloudflare Support by clicking on the Get More Help button. If you get automatic reply, reply and indicate to ...
3 Replies
birkelundOP3y ago
@fritexhr Do you have any news regarding this?
Walshy3y ago
It has been escalated
birkelundOP3y ago
Awesome. I just havent heard anything from Cloudflare recognizing it as an issue that will be fixed. @Walshy | Pages Do you know where we can track the progress in solving this. We just got a reply from our ticket about the records saying that we can just disable cloudflares certificate and then upload our own instead and then it will work... We was kinda hoping the bug would be solved so that cloudflares certificate could still be used.

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