🎢 Moonlink.js - Imagine a Music Application


🎢 Moonlink.js - Imagine a Music Application

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Connecting to NodeLink over network

Hi, I would like to know if there's some steps to take in order to connect to a server instance on another device. Thanks.

The Music was successfully found, but not played

I followed every step on the guide for moonlink.js, but the player isn't playing the sound, it shows that the music was successfully found and give me the infos of the track, but the track doesn't start playing

can't join a channel

when i try to join a channel it says it joined but didn't join it send Connecting to voice channel: 1233157221181948117 to the log but don't join...
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Is there no spotify as a defaultSearchEngine?

Play : Error

[ERROR] => TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')
at C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\Code\Discord Bots\Mitthu\node_modules\moonlink.js\dist\src\@Managers\MoonlinkManager.js:109:41
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
[ERROR] => TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')
at C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\Code\Discord Bots\Mitthu\node_modules\moonlink.js\dist\src\@Managers\MoonlinkManager.js:109:41
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

after restart bot autoreconnect error

``` 1|PBOT | Unhandled promise rejection: Error: @Moonlink(PlayerManager) - Missing parameters for player creati on: voiceChannel 1|PBOT | at PlayerManager.create (/root/pbot-rewrite-2022/node_modules/moonlink.js/dist/src/@Managers/Pl ayerManager.js:112:19) 1|PBOT | at MoonlinkNode.message (/root/pbot-rewrite-2022/node_modules/moonlink.js/dist/src/@Entities/Mo onlinkNode.js:182:62) 1|PBOT | at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)...

Skip : Error

[ERROR] => TypeError: this.queue.all is not a function

I created a singing bot and the music plays fine on my computer.When I move to Windows hosting, eve

I created a song bot and it plays music well on my computer. When I switch to Windows hosting, everything else is normal but I don't hear anything. The log does not appear, and it does not work even when using a normal external server, so it does not seem to be a problem with the Lava Link server....

blunder πŸ’€

rewrote the whole bot in ts for bun, and now i found out why moonlink doesnt work with bun. pretty doomed lmao
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How can I get the total size on the servers?

((await client.cluster!.fetchClientValues('manager.players.size')) as number[])!.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)!;
((await client.cluster!.fetchClientValues('manager.players.size')) as number[])!.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)!;

trackEnd not fired?

elloo sooo i'm just trying to destory the player after the track ended but with the event it is not working


import { Equalizer } from 'moonlink.js'; var bands: Equalizer[] = []; switch (argument) { case 'disable': player.setEqualizer([]);...

SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input

SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at MoonlinkNode.message (C:\Users\ahmet\Documents\GitHub\pbot-rewrite-2022\node_modules\moonlink.js\dist\src@Entities\MoonlinkNode.js:139:28) at MoonlinkWebSocket.emit (node:events:513:28) at Socket.<anonymous> (C:\Users\ahmet\Documents\GitHub\pbot-rewrite-2022\node_modules\moonlink.js\dist\src@Services\MoonlinkWebSocket.js:120:34) ...


Meanwhile I don't what am I doing wrong...

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'rest')

So I was create multi client Discord Bot Music. It was all fine for connecting the Discord Bot and initialize the manager with the bot. So right now I have two bot running. The first bot with prefix pp. and the second one ri. When I tried to play music with pp. its all fine, the music started, but when I tried with the second one appear error like this....
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TypeError: [ @Moonlink/Manager ]: No lavalink server connected

I have used lots of Lavalink’s nodes accurately, but none of them worked, can anybody help me what’s the problem?

Not finding soundcloud link using nodelink

Normal soundcloud searches work just fine but when you paste a link it shows these errors: Bot:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
What the Bot is referring to: ```js...

trackStart Event works 50% of the time

sometimes the embed from the trackStart event sends but sometimes it doesn't. it seems to go in an order of (sends, doesnt send, sends, doesnt send) etc..
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