Quick screen change
Permission Denied Error on Firefox mv2
const data = await fethData()
const data = await fethData()
Error: Permission denied to access property "then"
Error: Permission denied to access property "then"
Custom Font Isn't Working on Twitter
Refused to load the font 'data:font/ttf;base64
. Could you take a look at my code and tell me how to fix it so it changes the font on Twitter too?
https://github.com/sir-kokabi/test1...Build variable to indicate "background" or "content" script?
"serviceWorker" in globalThis
which unfortunately is a runtime check. Is there a variable (documented or not) that exists in env that would make it so code can be tree shaken? e.g. if (process.env.PLASMO_BUILD_TARGET !== "background") { ... }
would allow the bundler to drop this branch if it's part of the background bundle.
This is largely so I can share utility code between content and background where it performs all of its work in background (content scripts using messaging to background). Right now because I have to use a runtime check, a bunch of never used in content scripts code is included in the content scripts bundles....how can I pcik suffix for files from lib, like main.web.js & main.native.js?
Certain websites block content scripts
Create an anchor that selects every web page
export const getOverlayAnchor: PlasmoGetOverlayAnchor = () => {
return document.querySelector('html');
...How to send some data from background.ts to content.ts file
Is there a way to create a project with multiple configurations
How can i show an welcome page when users install my extension?
Messaging best practices
problem in staging and production modes
Help with showing script ui. (content.tsx) when clicking on chrome extension
How to send API requests with messaging?
Messaging API
, but how could I create a simple API call to e.g. my Supabase DB or anything else?
I added a picture of what my "ideal" situation would be, if there is anyone with such experience needed I would love to know how you would tackle this....Plasmo Injected CSUI disappears on Click
How to install a npm package?
npm i jwt-decode
But never works, I got the error like npm ERR! Cannot read properties of null (reading 'matches')
or npm ERR! Cannot read properties of null (reading 'edgesOut')
Could anyone help? Thanks....How to include JSON file referenced in manifest (Failed to resolve file.json)
Dynamic Configuration
, localhost
, but for dev
I'd want that to be in there. Is this possible?