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how to insert an array of strings

hey guys, I wanted to know how to store an array of strings with kysely, I created my table using migrations: ```...

Typescript Error when creating MySQL db pool

Hi Everyone, I'm getting the following error when creating a database: ``` kysely Type '() => Promise<Pool>' is not assignable to type 'MysqlPool | (() => Promise<MysqlPool>)'...

Migrate beyond 9 (to `10-...`)

Hey, I am trying to run a new migration called 10-passport but I am always getting this error:
Error: corrupted migrations: expected previously executed migration 2-userguilds to be at index 2 but 10 was found in its place. New migrations must always have a name that comes alphabetically after the last executed migration.
Error: corrupted migrations: expected previously executed migration 2-userguilds to be at index 2 but 10 was found in its place. New migrations must always have a name that comes alphabetically after the last executed migration.
No description

Transaction response time

Hey everyone, in my code I have a createUser(), createProfile(), createBusiness(), and createAddress() for this example. Currently, I have creaeUser() execute on it's own and then the other 3 free functions execute as one transaction. Which gives me the benefit of having a fast response time for when a user creates an account. (the loading screen is quick) but I don't know if that benefit outweighs the risk of having user records in the database without a profile, business, and/or address records - *if for some reason the transaction fails but the createUser() executed fine. ...

How to handle failed transactions

Hey everyone, this is not directly related to Kysely but I was wondering what is a common solution for handling failed transactions? - is it supposed to be logged somewhere so you can review it?

How to generate query synchronously?

Besides other things I want to use kysely to generate subqueries for sequelize scopes. Is it possible to generate the query synchronously? Sequelize scopes do not accept async calls.

How to write "SELECT 1 FROM tablename"

I want to create subquery for exists but don't know type select(1)...? should I use val or sql.lit or other way...? Thanks in advance

Join using a json value with postgres

I have this table: ``` export interface MzCatalogMzAuditEvents { id: Generated<string>; event_type: Generated<string>;...

How to use coalesce in a join

I'm selecting disparate object types, and then looking up details in per-type lookup tables, then I want to join on another table based on an ID in the type tables, so I need to coalesce the ID columns. Currently I'm just doing a cast to make it work: ``` .leftJoin( "mz_catalog.mz_clusters as c",...

Plugin for auto-update "updated_at" field

Hello Team, Greetings! I am trying to write a plugin that will auto-update the "updated_at" column when there will be an update operation. So far, I have implemented the following code:...
Something like this: ```ts class UpdatedAtPlugin implements KyselyPlugin { transformQuery(args: PluginTransformQueryArgs): RootOperationNode {...

Making Transactions with KyselyAdapter for auth.js

Hey everyone, I am using this KyselyAdapter package for auth.js I made slight changes since I am in a SvetleKit project and it works! This package returns and object of functions, each function creates, updates, deletes a record in the database....

Wrong return type in raw sql

Greetings I have simple aggregations on mysql: ``typescript select([ sqlCOUNT(DISTINCT r.review_id).as("reviewCount"), sqlCOUNT(DISTINCT i.interaction_id)`.as("interactionCount"),...
Kysely doesn't do any data transformations. The underlying driver has full control over that. Some drivers might not unwrap numeric values of result columns that might exceed javascript's safe number range. If the driver returns column metadata with the results, you could extend the dialect and automatically unwrap specific result columns by data type. If not, you can implement a custom plugin that allows per-query transformation of result columns given in a list....

Using `.orderBy` in JSON

Hey, I have a schema that roughly looks like this ```ts export interface Member { id: string;...
try something like: ```ts const rows = await kysely .selectFrom("member")...

Modifying the return type of a query

I have a question, hopefully it's not a silly one. So I have generated types for my DB (via kanel-kysely), one of which is for a materialized view, and as such all columns of that view are generated as nullable. (I think that's just some Postgres weirdness, not related to kysely or kanel). I also have a function that runs a query and selects all from that view, and I am wondering if there is any way to modify that in kysely land so that the returned type has all of these columns as non-nullable....
Hey 👋 Not a silly one at all. 🙂 You could use .$narrowType to narrow the result type in a type-safe way....

Access column type in custom plugin

Hey! We would like to access the column type in one of my custom Kysely plugins. The AST does not seem to know the column type in the transformQuery method. Is there a way to access the column types within our plugin? ...
That info is not available. The only way to get it is to query the db and Kysely never runs queries you don't explicitly execute.

Unions in a loop

I'm trying to do a UnionAll in a loop. My issue is I don't know how to initialise the query: ``` let query = ...// ??? ...
You need to initialize it with the first select query.

where array_field has enum value

Hello there 👋 Today I'm experimenting with kysely, coming from prisma. I got stuck on rewriting the first query facePalm I have a ShippingMethod table with stores field, which is array of Store enum...
That's currently ~the best way to do it unfortunately. Here's a more type-safe approach: ```ts const shippingMethods2 = await this.dbService.db .selectFrom('ShippingMethod')...

NOW() function in kysely

For instance, this statement is valid on Postgres: INSERT INTO films VALUES ('UA502', 'Bananas', 105, NOW()); I was wondering if there was anyways to achieve the same thing in kysely. Thank you 😄...
```ts import { sql } from "kysely"; db .insertInto("films")...

issue with complied sql when doing + interval operation

Hey, I have a query that is generated using kysely where I select the following field sql that I get as a string from a file: fields = [close_date + interval '12 month'] what happens is that when I do .select(fields) the close_date + interval '12 month' gets wrapped in double quotes, what is the best way to correct this...

camelCase plugin with a strangely named column

We have a column named cl_companyID (I'm as confused as you) and I have issues with the camelCase plugin because it thinks the name is cl_company_id. Is there a way around this, without renaming the column? I was thinking maybe we could add support with some kind of lookup table with weird names for the plugin to respect....
Something like ```ts class MyCamelCasePlugin extends CamelCasePlugin { protected override snakeCase(str: string): string {...