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All posts for SWC Community
How can keep css comments after codegen?
How to set "paramtypes" metadata in Javascript?
Encountering SIGBUS intermittently
Any examples of maintaining same plugin for babel and swc?
Emitter in SWC does not add expected space after '=>' in Arrow Functions
Does SWC remove comments in the code when transforming a JS file's AST and converting it back to a c
Compile .node DSO on freebsd
Parsing error
1:1 line number mapping
how to migrate from visit_mut_with to Pass?
preset-env support
Plugin panics when trying to read line number from SourceMapper
how can I mark a context?
wasm build uses old swc libraries?
How can I rewrite this code for the moved SyntaxContext?
what happened with swc_ecmascript::visit::visit_expr?
How to debug in Rust
How to replace typescript::strip_with_jsx
How to test a visitor that uses visit_mut_script?
How to compile using your own custom plugin?