


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


redirect user after login or sign up

I need when user login or sign up go to the account page http://website.test/account

exporter, simple question

How can I change the title or text of the exporter's modal form? Thanks...
it can be customized exactly as any other action in filament: ```php ExportAction::make() ->modalHeading('MODAL HEADING ( Esporta users)')...

TextColumn text clickable.

Can we make only the click on text instead of click on that table cell ? ```php TextColumn::make('name')
->url(fn ($record) => ComplianceDocumentResource::getUrl('index'))...
No description

FileUpload max size validation isnt working

```php FileUpload::make('server') ->maxSize(102400) ->disk('<...>') ->visibility('private'),...

System Overheating due to Vite CSS

Eversince I used vite to customize my the css, my system will be overheating and the fan making noise, so my afraid is i dont want the same thing to happen in diffrent environments on production
You won't be running npm run dev on the server. That should only be used in development. And with npm run build all the files will be built and just served as regular CSS and JS files. Also your server is going to be more powerful than your computer. Pretty sure you'll be ok in production. πŸ™‚...

How to increase Max file upload size?

I am trying set file upload size limit to 800M. ``` FileUpload::make('download_url') ->disk('public') ->directory('videos')...

[Importer] Only update values that are empty/null

So I am writing a lot of importers and exporters, love the proces. Now i have a bit of a weird problem, I have a table "suppliers" and there I want the following behaviour: 1) Supplier doesnt exist, create new one 2) Supplier does exist: only update values that are missing. One is easy, but how can I do two? What is the most efficient way to do this? Maybe sth like:...
Now did it like this, seems to be working: ```php protected function beforeFill(): void { if(isset($this->record) && $this->record->exists) {...

Remove/change the default where clauses in relation manager

I am posting this from a discussion on another thread/message: I have built a demo EHR system around medical records- I may not have architectured this correctly but i want to have appointments and prescriptions linked so when a patient gets prescribed something its linked to an appointment, doctor and patient. i created PrescriptionsRelationManager which: * I want to see all the prescriptions for the patient listed in the table not just the ones tied to this appointment_id...

FileUpload validation not working

Hey, I have a wizard set up with skippable steps, in one of the steps i have a FileUpload component which has minFiles(1). When I fill out the form I am able to save without a file added and no validation errors throw. I've tried making the wizard not skippable but that didn't work, I have tried required() and the asterisk shows but again I can save without any validation errors throwing. I have also tried custom rules and using beforeValidation on the wizard step but neither worked either....

Section label doesnt override default value

Im not sure if this is intentional or not, but setting a ->label() to a section does not override the name of Section::make('something'). Is this intentional, if so why?

Filament Sidebar Menu Search

Hey everyone! πŸ‘‹ Has anyone needed to customize Filament's sidebar menus to add a search field for navigating through many menu items? Something like this: [insert the SVG mockup] I have lots of menu items in my ERP and I'm looking for a way to make navigation easier. πŸ€” Let me know if anyone has implemented something similar! Thanks! πŸ™‚...
Just render the blade with the render hook
No description

Dynamic Repeater based on FileUpload->multiple() files

Hi everyone! I’m working on a feature in Filament where I’d like to create a repeater that contains basic metadata fields like title and description. The repeater should automatically generate entries based on the number of files uploaded in a FileUploader field (one entry per file). Here’s an example of the schema I’m currently working with:...

Is "vendor" a reserved name for panels?

I've just created a new panel called "Vendor". However, the route /vendor/login does not show up. Visiting /vendor redirects me to /login and fails. When running route:list, I can see all the routes for vendor (vendor/logout, vendor/{resourceName}) but not vendor/login. Anybody had something like this happen to them?...

Combine Relationship Manager tabs and form tabs

Is it possible to combine the tab created from hasCombinedRelationManagerTabsWithContent() with the tabs from a form?
much better: ```php Livewire::make(YourRelationManager::class, fn (Page $livewire, YourModel $record) => [ 'ownerRecord' => $record,...

Injecting the current Livewire component instance

Hi everyone, sorry but I'm a noob, could you give me an example of use regarding this paragraph of the documentation?

Integration documentation with stancl/tenancy

Hi, Anyone can share documentation or step-by-step integrate stancl/tenancy? I follow with no luck and seems not updated with my environment (Laravel 11, Filament 3). Thanks,...

How to disable the previous button on Wizard Form

The question is self explanatory. Found one question which was the same but it does not work. It's visually disabled but you can still click on it and go back. ->previousAction(fn ($action) => $action->disabled())...

Remove Dashboard Page

How do I remove the default dashboard page from filament and how when login is directed to another route, for example route products? I have deleted or ->pages in AdminPanelProvider but why does the Dashboard Menu still appear...

EditAction in Livewire component

I have this Tree Structure where I want to edit each individual element. I'm using the Filament modal to handle this and rendering it like this: ```php <div> {{ ($this->edit)(['post' => $item['id']]) }} ...