Apache TinkerPop


Apache TinkerPop

Apache TinkerPop is an open source graph computing framework and the home of the Gremlin graph query language.


Using the modern graph, how can I write a query that finds the name of the oldest person?

I want to take the graph produced by TinkerFactory.createModern() and write a query that finds the oldest person and returns their name. I want to learn to use the max() traversal step.

Concurrent MergeV gremlingo - Vertex Id exists

If I use more than one go routine to update the gremlin server, so each has its own connection and traversal, then use MergeV using the gremlingo.T.Id as the merge match property set, I can occasionally get an error that "A vertex with id xxx-ssss-ssss-sss already exists". I have both Merge options specified. This makes me think that the server cannot support more than one concurrent MergeV to the same VertexId. Is that correct, or is there some configuration I should be doing to make them lock? A single threaded run works as expected....

Help Needed with Sample Method in Gremlin-Go

Hello Apache TinkerPop Community, I'm currently working on a Go project using the Apache TinkerPop for graph operations, and I've encountered a problem I'm hoping someone could assist with. I'm trying to retrieve a specified number of random users from my graph with the following function:...

Is it possible to extract the requestId of an Amazon Neptune Gremlin query via gremlin-driver?

Is there any way via gremlin-driver to extract the requestId of a completed query submitted to Amazon Neptune? Specifically when it's submitted either using a Client or via Bytecode. Or is using the REST endpoint the only way to achieve this?...

Aggregating vertices with set-cardinality properties

I am aggregating traversed vertices that have both single and set-cardinality properties. When capturing the vertex using elementMap() it assumes a single-cardinality for all properties and only considers the last element in the set when building the map. However, when trying to use valueMap(true).by(unfold()) (as described in this SO reply: https://stackoverflow.com/a/75225994/3516889) It just gives the last property value in the set. query using valueMap(true).by(unfold()) (1):...

Are the developers of TinkerPop interested in the Performance difference on the equivalent queries?

Hi all! I was recently working on generating equivalent Gremlin queries to test TinkerGraph and then found that some of the equivalent queries had large runtime differences. For example, ``` g.V().match(__.as("a").has("color", eq("blue")).out().out().out().out().as("b"),...

Gremlingo with Neptune - Read loop error

Code that works perfectly on my local TinkerPop Gremlin server, fails in a (to me right now anyway ;), strange manner when connected to AWS Neptune serverless. The connection is fine and a tiny test to do a vertex count, then write and delete a test works, but when I try and insert vertices, it immediately files and closes the web socket with: `2023/06/09 07:49:44 Read loop error 'websocket: close 1000 (normal): Bye', closing read loop....

3.6.2 gremlin-server possible memory leak

Has there been any memory leak reports in versions >=3.6.2? I just tracked down a memory leak that manifests itself as slow memory growth when queries execute and found that the change that caused it is when we changed from 3.6.1 to 3.6.2. I switched back to 3.6.1 and the leak is gone. I also tried running the graph outside of gremlin-server and the leak is gone....

gremlin-go, MergeE, and Neptune

I couldn't find a good example for using the MergeE step without having the IDs of the vertices. I've tried different variations, but this is the current state of the query I am running: ```go var g *gremlingo.GraphTraversal // ... g.MergeV(map[interface{}]interface{}{...

No logs getting getting logged in log file for gremlin server

Hello , This query is regarding the logs that I am not able to get while the janusgraph server start up inside a docker container . Details below : I am upgrading janusgraph version - 1.0.0-rc2 from an older version. Trying to deploy the server inside a docker container. Inside the docker file, I have used the base image of openjdk:11 and have provided , "CMD "bin/janusgraph-server.sh" "start" "<location_of_conf.yaml>" ". This does not start the pod successfully. It runs into CrashBackLoopOff error with no other details. Whereas, on correcting the same CMD in Dockerfile to "CMD "bin/janusgraph-server.sh" "start" && tail -f logs/janusgraph.log" , server starts up successfully but logs are not getting logged inside janusgraph.log file. Thanks....

Question on macth step

I am wondering why the following queries return the different results:
gremlin> graph = TinkerFactory.createModern() gremlin> g=traversal().withEmbedded(graph) gremlin> g.V().match(__.as("a").both().as("b").both().as("c")).count() ==>30...

What's the status amazon-neptune-sigv4-signer?

amazon-neptune-sigv4-signer hasn't had a new release in 2 years, is it still part of the recommended set of tools for aws Neptune?
hi @danielcraig23 - nice to have you here. that library is essentially stable (and quite simple in what it does) at this point so there really isn't any need to keep doing releases on it. unless you are using IAM there shouldn't be much need to use it, but if you do you would follow the instructions here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/neptune/latest/userguide/iam-auth-connecting-gremlin-java.html

Is AWS Neptune a "veneer on top of Aurora MySQL" ?

The article in https://www.theregister.com/2023/03/06/great_graph_debate_monday/ contains the following statement: "...Amazon Neptune is a graph-oriented veneer on top of their Aurora MySQL offering." Is it true?...

Decode data in Hbase storage

I have a JanusGraph cluster and use Hbase storage. When i get data in Hbase, it can't read. Who can help me decode data?...

Gremlin queries containing Nested Objects & Apostrophes

I'm getting into GraphDB and I've just started making use of Gremlin alongside NeptuneDB to build a demo application. I've been running into an issue for a while now, first is: - I'm sending data to the Neptune DB that contains Nested Objects / Array of Nested Objects, what's the better way to run a Gremlin query that creates a property with the objects therein? ...

G.V() Query syntax error

This query from the reference, fails in gdotv 1.28.62: V().has('name',not(within('josh','marko'))).elementMap() With : "Syntax Error (ln 1:21): Missing Gremlin Step Parameters or closing ')' symbol" ...

Cosmo db

I want to write graph query in Cosmos db. But the cosmos db has only SQL. How to write graph query for it using tinker pop

The latest version of gremlin console cannot start on windows

java version: 1.8.0_371 error message: Exception in thread "main" java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <> at index 138: C:/Users/xxx/Desktop/apache-tinkerpop-gremlin-console-3.6.4-bin/apache-tinkerpop-gremlin-console-3.6.4/ext/tinkergraph-gremlin/ Isn't there a way to solve this?...

Error running gremlin.bat from WIN11 machine

Download gremlin console 3.6.4 and run bin\gremlin.bat but hit the error, would like to know how to resolve this. Thanks, G:\NewHealthEngine\apache-tinkerpop-gremlin-console-3.6.4>bin\gremlin.bat ,,,/...

How to use select with V()

Hello, during my traversal, i found a list of vertex ids, how can i query those vertices in the same traversal without iterating over all vertices and filter them with where ? g.V() .group() .by(T.id)...
Currently, and this may change in the future, the V() step cannot take a traversal. I think however, that you can simplify that query quite a bit.