Anyone can access cursor workspace connection URL
Set zsh as default shell
to switch my default shell to zsh, but new vscode sessions are still using bash. Restarting the workspace reset the shell to bash again. What's the recommended way to get my shell to zsh by default? Will I need to build my own workspace AMI or something? Thanks in advance!Kasm template / module
Workspaces slower when accessed on home network?
Running Next.js development server in a Coder instance... is there a best practice?
Can we delete multiple workspace in one CLI Command ?
coder delete [workspace-id(username/workspacename)] --yes
coder delete [workspace-id(username/workspacename)] --yes
Workspace stuck on loading
Error when building workspace with parametrized OpenStack provider using coder parameters
how to use files in script after cloning a repository?
Specifying command for running coder-based deployment
external auth to be able to clone a repository from GitHub or GitLab
initializeCommand not executed in envbuilder
Access Coder Locally
deploy coder_agent with for_each loop
Angular and Coder
Dev URLs configuration
Create template by zip upload hangs
State management, external backend?