Sapphire - Imagine a framework


Sapphire - Imagine a framework

Welcome to the Sapphire Discord server! The next-gen object-oriented Discord.js bot framework can be found here.







pochiko - Hello! does anyone kno whow to fix this ...

Hello! does anyone kno whow to fix this problem? ive been trying to figure out why for the past 30 minutes ```Function.prototype.apply was called on undefined, which is a undefined and not a function my code is here: ...

sam - ```srcconfig.ts737 - error TS2345 Argum...

src/config.ts:7:37 - error TS2345: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.
src/config.ts:7:37 - error TS2345: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.
Anyone seen this before?...

Rhys - ^Sort of related to above, does inheritance...

^Sort of related to above, does inheritance work with commands? I've got a few commands for opening menus, i.e /server-settings, /channel-settings, and originally I was going to make a base class and extend from that from those, but when trying to do that it seemed to only register the abstract class and not the inherited classes which I found odd...

ThatGuyJamal - Is it possible to make a default va...

Is it possible to make a default value for registering command meta data. Like: ``` guildIds: isCanaryMode ? InternalContainer.ENV.GUILDS_TO_REGISTER : undefined, registerCommandIfMissing: InternalContainer.ENV.REGISTER_COMMANDS, behaviorWhenNotIdentical: RegisterBehavior.Overwrite,...

Rhys - Is there a way to use preconditions to remo...

Is there a way to use preconditions to remove redundant if checks? For example: ```typescript...

Jesse - How would one go about adding user permiss...

How would one go about adding user permissions to a slash command? This is my first time working with them and I'm used to the old way of permission with normal chat commands.

Jesse - why am i getting this error?

why am i getting this error?

secondubly - Not sure if my googling is just insuf...

Not sure if my googling is just insufficient but is there a way to add multiple users as a parameter for a slash command? I know that a User option exists where you can supply a single user to a slash command but if I wanted someone using the command to supply multiple users, how would I do that? I've been googling but can't seem to find anything explaining how that works. (Not sure if this is a sapphire or discord specific question, please let me know if I need to move it)

bomi - That's what I did with that, but this can b...

That's what I did with that, but this can be useful

Noxillio - sapphiretype is impossible to install...

@sapphire/type is impossible to install on Apple Silicon systems.

Noxillio - Is there any purpose to sapphireplugi...

Is there any purpose to @sapphire/plugin-editable-commands anymore now that application commands are a thing?

Ben855 - How are most of y'all using IDhints in pr...

How are most of y'all using IDhints in production? Are you just manually hard coding them every time you decided to add a command or is there a better option?

Rhys - Is it possible to put preconditions on butt...

Is it possible to put preconditions on button interactions? Looking through the docs / code it didn't look like it but I figured I'd check

Fiery - Hi, just got a new laptop and I'm having s...

Hi, just got a new laptop and I'm having some troubles with the @sapphire/type library. I can't get it to install on my machine and I'm out of ideas. It seems like something's wrong when it tries to build it: any help would be appreciated

${j122j} - Is there any way I change the typescrip...

Is there any way I change the typescript types for container.client to be my own client class? It extends SapphireClient and it'll be easier to use without doing (container.client as Lightbulb) every time I need to use it....

Chaddiedaddie - I tried to follow the Getting sta...

I tried to follow the "Getting started with Sapphire" part of the guide on the sapphire website and I don't really know what I am doing. I pasted this code and replaced the 'your-token-goes-here' with my token but I am getting the following error messages : `` Type '"GUILDS"' is not assignable to type 'number | ${bigint} | "Guilds" ... Type '"GUILD_MESSAGES"' is not assignable to type 'number | ${bigint}` | "Guilds" ......

dragonizedpizza - can I give a list of possible el...

can I give a list of possible elements in shapeshift's s.string.array

eslint oom

hey besties, your eslint config somehow OOMs eslint <3 what the fuck ctx: Running it with next lint, using it with next/core-web-vitals and a tsconfig.eslint.json including 3 folders relevant files: (error log included)...


Are you trying to add a role to the member or..?