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All posts for Zerops
pnpm killed
Issues with pip
I cannot host on zerops my vite project?
new user when will I have to setup billing? when does billing start?
how to change my email please?
added domain but certificate takes too long?
My nodejs project doesn't work using azure and github actions even if it's deployed (app and build)
I have a nextjs project and don't know how to deploy on
Cannot build due to app not reading env vars
Deployment Issue
Having some issues with Zerops
File listed in addToRunPrepare not available in prepareCommands
Ubuntu password
obtain zerops.yml for existing service
IP not pointing to project
Best way to migrate from legacy to lightweight core
Cloning and using a repository on build
Stopped service has allocated cores and memory
zcli service log - invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
zcli non-interactive mode
vpn status
Wireguard adapter was created, but we are not able to establish a connection
NGINX Authentication Based on Subrequest Result
Let's encrypt for subdomain wildcard
PHP extensions ext-sodium required
Invalid YAML parameter for Bun
Origin unreachable
Reached heap limit Allocation failed
502 Bad Gateway when using Zerops Subdomain Access
push problem
Monorepo with 2 Apps cli push specific app
Java Service Maven Permission Denied
Object Storage MinIO login
Migration of Gluo to Zerops
Setting up zCli on NixOS
Self-Hosted Supabase
Site unreachable
Public IPv6 and a domain
invalid user input