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pg-boss failed to start!

Hey guys, I'm pretty new to Wasp (first day) and also have little experience with Node.js. All my web experience was with Python (Flask). I installed Wasp and created a project based on SaaS, at first everything ran very well, I was able to configure the login through Google and everything worked perfectly. I went to restart the server and after that it keeps giving an error in pg-boss and it seems that it is not starting the node server....

Cannot build frontend part due to type error

As you can see on the screenshot, the error is coming from isolatedModules flag not used in tsconfig.json in /build/web-app dir. This prevents building frontend. What fixes this is either use import type { Route } from '../../types' or adding a "isolatedModules": false to /build/web-app/tsconfig.json. But those are manual editions to the output files that is not desired. Anything that can be done on source side? To reproduce, just generate a simple project and following Get started section, and try to build build/web-app folder. I don't know if I am the only one hitting this...
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Optional node_modules installs

I dunno why but for some reason I thought that Wasp detects npm installs and keeps track of them. Maybe cus of this file installedFullStackNpmDependencies.json but would it make sense for Wasp to track chances in package.json file and if there are any - only then do a npm install or have some sort of flag to disable the modules installation I was playing around yesterday with deployment to Railway, and I needed to do a few small changes in the source code (not .wasp folder) and build the codebase frequently afterwards and node_modules were installed every single time, whereas I think there might be a different way to do it. Like keep a ref to the dependencies and track any chances in there on each build command. If any detected - reinstall them entirely. If none - just delete everything apart from node_modules folder. Alternative approach, add a CLI flag to disable installs manually (might be easier and preferred way)...

Client Page component query parameter

On the following part of the doc: https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/language/features#accessing-route-parameters-in-a-page-component The doc is using jsx and not tsx (typescript), is it possible to have a type for the function to have typescript autocompletion in props ?...
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Query Typescript

I have the following code in my main.wasp: ``prisma query getIdeas { // We specify that JS implementation of the query (which is an async JS function) // can be found in src/server/queries.js as the named export getTasks`....

Prisma Enum

Hi guys! Do you know how to define an enum prisma database type with Wasp ?...

Following get started tuto - getTasks list not generated

I am following this article here https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/tutorials/todo-app/03-listing-tasks To use the prepared logic on frontend, article says I need to import my fetching function and useQuery hook like so ```...

React version

Is the version of react locked in? I can see it's 17+ whereas the latest as we all know is 18+. I tried to set it to 18 with dependency rule in .wasp file like so
dependencies: [
("react", "18.2.0")
dependencies: [
("react", "18.2.0")
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LSP for neovim / vim users

Hi there, from a quick glance on the docs side, I found the extension for VSCode: If you are using VSCode, install our Wasp language extension. Am I correct to assume there is nothing ready for neovim / vim out of the box yet?

`wasp start db` issue --> docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon...

If you're getting the error docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?. when trying to run wasp start db, make sure you have Docker installed and its running. On Mac OS, just find the Docker app in your launchpad and click it. You should see a Docker icon in your top right menu bar. If so, you're good to go!...

CORS question

is it possible to allow api to accessed outside the client url?

Any idea how I can do RLS

Right now I use prisma + express + refine, was thinking to explore wasp. Curious how to solve RLS (Row Level Security). My use case is every user would belong to a customer, and all the records we save would need to have the customer_id. We will have to pull from the session context.

Processing List to add in DB

Thank you very much for your work on WASP and for the great documentation. I am having an issue, I am sending from the frontend 3 inputs at the same time to the backend. And from the action function I processed these 3 inputs and I created a list
[{input1,output1} ...]
[{input1,output1} ...]
then I tried to loop through this list add to the database each item of this list using context.entities.ENTITY.create but it doesn't work. It seems that an action function can only process 1 entity to add to the database. I also tried to use createMany with context entities but I have a TypeError in the console :
createMany is not a function
createMany is not a function
` Hope it makes sense. Please let me know if want me to share some code....

File Uploading

Trying to implement uploading files for my app. Has anyone tried doing this with wasp? Is there a good way to do this within wasp? Any good libraries? Everything seems to go through multer, however I don’t see how we can add express middleware through wasp file or pass through headers to actions. Unless I am missing something?...

How to delete entities?

I've gone through the basic tutorial and I want to keep going in order to learn. How would I go about deleting a prisma entry? In this context, deleting one of the to-do tasks. ...

Guides on how to use Codux with Wasp

I haven't used it extensively, but I think it would be super sick to have an example project and guide for how to use Codux https://www.codux.com/. It would make prototyping much faster I think (decoupling design from logic)


Have y'all thought about integrating GRPC as the method of communicating between the front and backend? It is probably overkill right now since most devs are not used to types anyways, but I feel like with the way that you are generating the server/client rpc connectors, GRPC would be a good candidate to make that process more streamlined. You could use the GRPC json gateway to keep the browser and server comms something that is easily debugable. https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway I...

use wasp to do crud pages react and prisma?

Could wasp do prisma model generate prisma scaffold from it? With react Use a custom set of templates as source?...

Types on the Frontend

To get this question and answer forum going, I'm going to repost a really good question from @breadchris: so the first thing that got me caught up when going through the demo is that I was trying to have shared types between the frontend and backend code. I could setup the backend with the types from prisma: ```jsx...