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stripe integration debugging best practices

are there best practices for debugging a stripe integration? It's clear that it requires a few handoffs / redirects. and once user pays, the db needs updating and the client. Should I just add a bunch of console.log lines?

type checking of client code

Hi there. I'm testing out wasp via open saas and it looks promising! I'm noticing though, when I deliberately introduce a type error in client code, I don't see a compile failure in the terminal where I'm running my app. This is different from the server, where introducing a type error does cause a compiler error in the terminal. Can anyone help me find what I'm doing wrong?

Getting started with Wasp on Terminal

I am trying to run the generated app on my local machine (Via Termux terminal on Android) I get this message after following the code prompts on MageGPT website : (first screenshot) I tried the Solution shared in :...
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not working with Node 20.11.0

after installing the WASP on my ubuntu 22.04 I am getting error that it requires node version 18 but I have node version 20.11.0 How I can use it with this node version...

Help with DB build/deploy error.

Getting a weird build/deploy error when I try these commands. Haven't had this issue before and can't seem to find any docs/questions about it. Thanks! source here: https://github.com/SoyMilkIsOk/terp-text...
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openai gpt Assistant api, or embeddings template? How to select version when git cloning?

Hey when i git clone the project i get the ai gpt scheduler/task manager as the openai demoapp page template. (as said in earlier question I dont get the latest version of the code running: wasp start > selecting 1-4 templates (static, todo, saas, embeddings?). But i would want to have the openai template that was in that version, and also use the embeddings? Alternatively, or also a new template using the openai gpt Assistants api would be great. SInce that has built in embedding vector search context. But Could i at least get the latest code with the template that is in wasp start template Saas? This is not a schedule/task manager but was more of a chat with gpt....
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Mongodb with open-saas

Thanks for the great template for saas starters (open-saas), my usecase is to use it with mongodb, is there a possibility?

Cant find: src/shared/constants.ts file? Stripe connect.

There is no constants.ts file in my app? Do i have to create it? "In stripe copy the Customer portal link. Paste it in your src/shared/constants.ts file"...
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Node 20.x.x isn't compatible with Wasp? Or am I doing something wrong?

I'm getting this error ``` ❌ --- [Error] Node requirement not met: ------------------------------------------ Your Node version does not meet Wasp's requirements! You are running Node 20.9.0....

Cant start database docker is not working on wsl properly

✨ Starting a PostgreSQL dev database (based on your Wasp config) ✨ Additional info: ℹ Connection URL, in case you might want to connect with external tools: postgresql://postgresWaspDevUser:postgresWaspDevPass@localhost:5432/nurium_saas-ef32b83560...

Unable to access the Dashboard as an admin user

When I spin up a open-saas repo (https://github.com/wasp-lang/open-saas.git) everything works swimmingly except I am unable to access to the Dashboard as an admin user. -- running locally, Docker Postgres, dev env changes: // app/.env.server...

Disable case sensitivity on username register/login?

So I can enforce my user that is registering to use a lowercase username by doing the following: ``` <SignupForm additionalFields={(form, state) => {...

[SOLVED] OpenSaaS installation docker and db issue

i tried
wasp start db
wasp start db
and getting this error. How to fix this and procceed? Error message: ``✨ Starting a PostgreSQL dev database (based on your Wasp config) ✨ Additional info: ℹ Connection URL, in case you might want to connect with external tools:...
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Installation failed: There is no wasp version 0.11.8

ive been trying to fix this for the past 2 days lol. id appreciate the help boys 💪🏽
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SOS "no file or directory exists" (ignore pic please)

hey guys, noob here. i keep getting "no file or directory exists" when i direct it right to the folder. im inputting "cd Users/[username]/[appname]" -- thatsthe folder path... if anyone can help ive been at this whole local install thing like 13 hours already lmfaoo
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Custom auth error messages?

I'm following the docs here: https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/auth/username-and-pass#customizing-the-auth-flow I now have a custom user registration page & when I try to register with a username that already exists, my signup endpoint (that otherwise works fine), returns a: ``` Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 422 (Unprocessable Entity) auth.tsx?t=1703620051622:49 error Error: Save failed...

Update return entity type

Didn't find this in the docs or through questions here.
I want typescript to respect the return type that has foreign relationships returned. For example, I have this query: ``` query getAllInventory {...

[SOLVED] Using Decimal type with Prisma

I am trying to store dollar amounts and it seems Decimal is the type to go with. However, when I use it wasp it crashing on Type 'Decimal' is not assignable to type 'SuperJSONValue'. I am not sure if this is a wasp or maybe the superJson package. Any suggestions or a different type to use for this? 🤔