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How can I offer a free trial?

I'm using the OpenSaaS template and would like to offer a free trial. I can set up a free trial as part of a payment link but haven't found a way to link it to the code. Should I simply use the payment link JS code provided by Stripe and the replace the particular button in the app? 🙂

Sendgrid is not sending sign up emails

I have set up sendgrid in my app. The sender authentication and domain authentication is verified. Both the email fields in main.wasp are populated correctly under auth and email sender. However when I am testing creating a new account locally, I get a 200 from the app terminal for POST /auth/email/signup 200 but I do not see any api request in sendgrid, and the sign up account doesnt get an email.

the User query instead of the Auth user

User query instead of the Auth user

Stripe multiple product or multiple prices

My saas has 3 different prices, weekly, monthly and yearly. Should I creat 3 different products in stripe or one product with different 3 prices. I never did it before, so sorry if it sounds stupid.....

Errors in deployment to fly.io

I'm encountering an error after this execution
flyctl postgres attach my-wasp-app-billowing-dream-1046-db -a my-wasp-app-billowing-dream-1046-server
flyctl postgres attach my-wasp-app-billowing-dream-1046-db -a my-wasp-app-billowing-dream-1046-server
which is right after
wasp deploy fly launch my-wasp-app mia
wasp deploy fly launch my-wasp-app mia
. How can i fix these errors The errors are the following:
Error: failed retrieving app my-wasp-app-billowing-dream-1046-server: Could not find App "my-wasp-app-billowing-dream-1046-server"
Error: failed retrieving app my-wasp-app-billowing-dream-1046-server: Could not find App "my-wasp-app-billowing-dream-1046-server"
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How to invalidate a query

I have a query, and on button click it uploads a file to s3, now i need to invalid the query so it auto-runs and displays the file(s) back.

Getting an error trying to get an existing wasp app started

when I run wasp db migrate-dev on an existing wasp project I have NPM installed, it gives me this wrror [ Wasp ] auth/providers/types.ts(11,37): error TS2694: Namespace '"/Users/fatima/Downloads/app-main/node_modules/.prisma/client/index".Prisma' has no exported member 'UserCreateInput'. [ Wasp ] auth/utils.ts(131,17): error TS2694: Namespace '"/Users/fatima/Downloads/app-main/node_modules/.prisma/client/index".Prisma' has no exported member 'AuthWhereInput'. [ Wasp ] auth/utils.ts(192,27): error TS2339: Property 'PrismaClientKnownRequestError' does not exist on type 'typeof Prisma'....

Running into an issue with importing generated .wasp actions directory

I'm not sure why this happens, but seems like any time I modify the actions.js file or the function that invokes the action, I get this error on recompilation: [ Server!] node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:259 [ Server!] throw new ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT(path, fileURLToPath(base), String(resolved));...

Why my client fly.io seems inactive?

My client in fly.io seems inactive, but others seems active (server and db) why?
No description

Updating and redeploying Postgres DB in Railway

Do I have to manually update/redeploy the Postgres database in Railway? I've reployed the app but the new Prisma schema is not reflected in the database. On top of this, I'm also having this problem after redeployment again: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://server-production-....railway.app/auth/me' from origin 'https://...' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. ...

Usage of getEmail

Maybe I'm missing something, but why does the getEmail() helper (see https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/auth/entities#getemail) only return an email address when the user has signed up using the email auth identity? I would expect it to return the user's email address for both social & email login types. My app offers both google & email auth logins and I would like to use this helper function to get the email address for all login methods. Currently I need to check which auth method the user has signed up with to know how I can use their email address....

Give certificate to server or client (using fly.io)

I am using fly.io. I deployed my code to a URL. However I would like to map my domain to that URL. So, I would like to know several stuff, What does this command do? It should be server or client? fly certs add requestphotoedit.com --app mycoolapp-server Is it required? Or only putting A entry as below is enough?...

Integrate custom oauth provider with wasp auth and session entities

I'm working on an app for League of Legends players. Riot Games provides Riot Sign On (RSO) so players can authenticate as their in-game account. Is there a way to do this with api endpoints or some other method since it isn't a supported auth method?

network error when I try to sign in or add a task when running locally on linux

Hi, thanks for the awesome product! when i run locally, i didn't use the built in command to start the database from wasp becuase the docker on my linux is broken and i'm using podman...

Prisma error

I am using opensaas and i want to deploy on fly.io wasp deploy fly deploy running the command gets me this error: Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve: failed to compute cache key: failed to calculate checksum of ref 6c61ec4f-9a90-4c04-bc2d-ef8244bc25ed::umw7sund1x3nfq8q0smrcxylb: "/prisma": not found ...


I'm using Opensaas and I'd like to add a guest user (non-login user). Is there an equivalent useAuth.ts file in Opensaas or other way to strucuture a guest user?

Stripe payment successful does not add credits

In development all is well, in production using stripe tesk key the payment processes successfully but the credits are not added to the account. I have added the webhook in stripe and the CREDITS_PRICE_ID PRO_SUBSCRIPTION_PRICE_ID and STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET to the server and REACT_APP_STRIPE_CUSTOMER_PORTAL to the client....

can I implement another analytics tool like posthog?

I want to use posthog for product analytics, can I use the npm package and where should i initialize posthog. both on the frtonend and backend

Custom key file not able to be referenced after compiling

Is there a way to reference a google cloud key.json file after compiling? I currently have it placed in the /app directory and storing that path to the key as an .env var. Is there a way to make sure that file is also moved into the compiled project after running wasp start? Thanks for your help!

Facebook Auth

Hello everyone, did anyone manage to implement Facebook auth? Is it possible? Google auth doesn't work if the link is opened within Facebook for some reason, and email auth is a bit too hard (my target are not super young people), meaning that you need to add credentials, the email to verify your email goes always in spam, and if it's spam the link to click to open the app and verify is hidden, then if you manage to click that, you need to login by re-entering the credentials. Are there ways to make the process more frictionless?...